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Registration form Quickfire session

To register your spin off idea / initiative for a Quickfire session at HIHR-15, please complete the following form and submit it SEPTEMBER 27, 2024 the very latest.

Quickfire sessions will take place online from November 11 – 15. Sessions will be scheduled at fixed timeslots at 9am, 12am or 5pm and will last 45 minutes.

You will be requested to complete this HIHR-Quickfire summary default form and upload it hereunder. Please stick to this format only as other formats can not be included in our syllabus.

For any questions contact us via email or by phone +31 6 2848 0549.

√ data shared with fellow participants, upon approval, * required

HIHR-15 Registrationform Quickfire session

Venture project or Business idea

Sector: *

Contact person TTO, handing in the QF-application

Are you the presenter of the project ? *

Presenter Project

I agree that this contact information may be handed out to all attendees and anyone involved in the organization of HIHR. I confirm that all provided information is non-confidential and has been approved by my TTO. *

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Thank you for completing this form. You will receive a confirmation shortly.

No rights can be derived from this registration. Actual take place and allocation of slots is based on investor interest and availability.